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VAW News and Media

This are the latest VAW news and media contributions in national and international media.

Research for our glaciers

Climate change threatens Antarctic meteorites

Strengthening Swiss hydropower with science

The new Respect programme

Explanation of the Andermatt pressure bridge investigation

Dambreach research at VAW

D-BAUG Research Day 2023

Spotlight on D-BAUG's sustainability goals

D-BAUG Spotlight Seminar Series

Preserving the potential of reservoirs

Three D-BAUG professors appointed and one farewell

Awards for excellent doctoral theses

Kangaroo goes D-BAUG

A contested resource

A world in flux

Glaciologist Harry Zekollari receives award for his research

Interdisciplinary research on rivers

Announcement film screening

Which innovations in hydropeaking research?

Climate Change Prediction and Adaptation in Ecohydraulics

VAW publication awarded!

Robert Boes receives Golden Owl

Matthias Huss is "Highly Cited Researcher"

World heritage glaciers: sentinels of climate change

Completed doctoral thesis: Bed stabilization of steep streams with step-pool sequences

New guidance system for fish enters pilot phase

Large wood retention at overflow spillways of high dams

Electricity and heat on demand

When fish ecology meets art

Where to land on the Moon?

Meet & Share: D-BAUG Research Day 2022

A historical perspective on glacial retreat

The End of the Marie-Curie Postdoc-Project «SmartWood_3D» is approaching

HyPeak - An international network on hydropeaking research, practice, and policy

Completed doctoral thesis: Development and Application of a New Automatic Mesohabitat Approach

Nomination for the ETH Spark Award

Energy transition: The Alps as Europe's electricity buffer

Tessin rivers under the focus of environmental engineering students of ETH

Can hydropower and fish co-exist?

Visiting Jungfraujoch with the glaciologists

Flood protection for aquatic organisms: Bedload plays an important role

Swiss glaciers continue to retreat

Speed record for measurements of water-air flows

Hydropower plays major role in Swiss energy supply 2050

D-BAUG @Scientifica 2021

Partnership for the preservation of Swiss glaciers

Gas-liquid flows faster than expected

ETH Medal for PhD theses

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