Studienarbeiten Glaziologie
Laufende Forschungsprojekte aus der Professur für Glaziologie bilden die Grundlage für angebotene Bachelor- und Master-Arbeiten. Die Themen richten sich hauptsächlich an Studierende der Fachrichtungen Erdwissenschaften, Umweltwissenschaften, Physik, Rechnergestützte Wissenschaften wie auch Umweltingenieurwissenschaften, Raumbezogene Ingenieurwissenschaften und Bauingenieurwissenschaften. Studierende, die sich für eines der Themen interessieren, sind angehalten die unter „Contact Details“ angegebenen Personen (siehe einzelne Projektbeschreibungen, unten) zu kontaktieren bevor eine Registrierung im ETH myStudies-Portal erfolgt.
Die ETH Zürich verwendet externe Seite SiROP um wissenschaftliche Projekte auszuschreiben. Darin sind folgende Themen aus der Glaziologie erfasst (Detailbeschreibungen sind nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar):
Machine-learning based, glacier mass balance modelling
Glacier retreat is one of the most visible signs of ongoing climate change. Understanding the local impacts of glacier evolution is crucial, with mass balance being a central concept. This project explores the use of machine learning models for the computation of glacier mass balance. Details anzeigen
Glaciology, mass balance, machine learning, data science, computer science, environmental science, informatics, modelling
Semester Project , Master Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)
Publiziert seit: 2025-01-30
Frühester Start: 2025-02-16
Organisation(en): Glaciology (Prof. Farinotti)
Host(s): van Marijn
Themen: Informations-, Informatik- und Kommunikationswissenschaften , Erdwissenschaften
High-Resolution snow depth mapping of Pers and Morteratsch glacier using drone data
The aim of this MSc thesis is to create a very high-resolution snow depth map of the ablation zone of the Pers and Morteratsch glaciers using UAV (drone) data. This map will then be compared with snow depth measurements obtained from probings during GLAMOS winter surveys. Details anzeigen
Glacier monitoring Snowdepth mapping Drones Glacier mass balance Glaciology
Master Thesis
Publiziert seit: 2024-11-27
Organisation(en): Glaciology (Prof. Farinotti)
Host(s): Van Lander
Themen: Erdwissenschaften
The impact of a gold mine on Sary-Tor glacier in Central Asia
The surface mass balance of a glacier is critical in the long-term evolution of a glacier, as it reflects the difference between the total sum of the accumulation (mass gain) and the ablation (mass loss). When the surface mass balance is positive, the glacier has gained mass over the year, while a negative balance indicates a nett mass loss. One of the crucial elements in mass balance modelling is the albedo, being the reflectance of the surface. The albedo of the surface of a glacier can change over time because of natural and anthropogenic factors. The aim of this MSc is to analyse whether the Kumtor gold mine in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, might influence the mass balance of the surrounding glaciers. The hypothesis is that the mine, which extended last years in the direction of Sary-Tor glacier, produces dust which lowers the reflectance of the glacier surface and increases the melting rate. Taking this into account might be crucial in mass balance modelling and therefore the glacier’s future. Details anzeigen
Glacier modelling Glacier mass balance Tien Shan Kyrgyzstan Human impact on glaciers Glaciology Climate Change
Master Thesis
Publiziert seit: 2024-10-15
Organisation(en): Glaciology (Prof. Farinotti)
Host(s): Van Lander
Themen: Erdwissenschaften
Spatial variability of glacier accumulation from flux inversions
Climate warming is causing rapid glacier retreat worldwide. A major uncertainty in predicting glacier evolution relates to accumulation processes. This thesis will use a new modelling approach to determine accumulation rates and study the contribution of different processes to their variability. Details anzeigen
Glaciology Glacier mass balance Glacier modelling Snow accumulation processes
Master Thesis
Publiziert seit: 2024-10-08
Frühester Start: 2025-01-01
Spätestes Ende: 2025-09-30
Organisation(en): Glaciology (Prof. Farinotti)
Host(s): Farinotti Daniel , Mazzotti Giulia
Themen: Erdwissenschaften
Consolidating parameterizations of wind-driven snow accumulation over glaciers
Accurate modelling of glacier mass balance requires the representation of wind-driven snow transport. This thesis will investigate the performance of various parameterizations. Details anzeigen
Glaciology, snow sciences
Master Thesis
Publiziert seit: 2024-09-20
Organisation(en): Glaciology (Prof. Farinotti)
Host(s): Farinotti Daniel
Themen: Erdwissenschaften
Winter snow accumulation on Rhonegletscher
Snow accumulation is a critical parameter for glacier mass balance investigations. Conventional measurements include snow depth probings while ground penetrating radar (GPR) has been successfully applied for continuous measurements of the snow cover thickness. Details anzeigen
Glaciology, Geophysics, GPR, Glacier mass balance
Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis
Publiziert seit: 2024-09-20
Frühester Start: 2025-01-15
Spätestes Ende: 2025-09-30
Organisation(en): Glaciology (Prof. Farinotti)
Host(s): Bauder Andreas
Themen: Erdwissenschaften
Open Master Thesis Topic: TanDEM-X: Revealing the Recent Height Changes and Velocity Dynamics of the Great Aletsch Glacier
The TanDEM-X mission has been launched for more than a decade. The mission collected rich valuable data that allows for generating high resolution digital elevation models (DEM) and analysing the change of earth surface topography. Therefore, this project aims to leverage the TanDEM-X data collected over the Great Aletsch Glacier to evaluate the height changes and velocity dynamics of the glacier. Details anzeigen
Master Thesis
Publiziert seit: 2024-09-20
Bewerbungen eingeschränkt auf: ETH Zürich
Organisation(en): Glaciology (Prof. Farinotti)
Host(s): Farinotti Daniel
Themen: Ingenieurwesen und Technologie , Erdwissenschaften
West Antarctic Ice Sheet subglacial drainage and grounding zone seismicity
Antarctic ice sheets contribute significant uncertainty to sea level rise projections due to processes occurring deep beneath the ice. This project will use existing data from two passive seismic deployments to investigate the ice sheet – ice shelf transition of Kamb Ice Stream in West Antarctica. Details anzeigen
Glaciology, Seismology, Antarctica, Ice Sheet, Ice Stream, Ice Shelf, Geophysics
Master Thesis
Publiziert seit: 2024-09-20
Organisation(en): Glaciology (Prof. Farinotti)
Host(s): Farinotti Daniel , Horgan Huw
Themen: Erdwissenschaften
Die Themen werden normalerweise als Masterarbeiten angeboten. Einige eignen sich aber auch als Bachelor- oder Projektarbeit. Dies kann auf Anfrage abgeklärt werden. Ebenso werden die Arbeiten im Thema "Erdwissenschaften" angeboten. Die Arbeiten sind jedoch Studierenden aller Departemente offen, solang der jeweilige Studiengang dies erlaubt. Für weitere Informationen oder eigene Projekt-Ideen kontaktieren Sie bitte Prof. Daniel Farinotti.