ETH-Professor: Neuer Staudamm hätte Hochwasserschäden in Zermatt verhindert
Mit einem intelligenten Einbezug der Talsperren lässt sich die Gefahr von Überschwemmungen im Bergkanton laut Experten senken.
Explanation of the Andermatt pressure bridge investigation
As part of the expansion of Andermatt railway station, the discharge capacity in the Unteralpreuss is to be increased by means of a new pressure bridge. A hydraulic model on a scale of 1:30 was constructed to check the feasibility of the flood engineering and is explained in the following video.
Dambreach research at VAW
This physical model experiment shows the failure of a zoned earthen embankment dam due to overtopping. Watch the explanation of researcher Matthew Halso on our newest youtube video.
Preserving the potential of reservoirs
Weather-related erosion causes rocks, gravel, sand and silt to enter reservoirs and reduce the storage volume. A VAW research team has now demonstrated that sediment bypass tunnels can significantly mitigate the problem.
Announcement film screening
VAW Glaciology presents the film ‘The Crystal Ship: First ascent of Pumari Chhish East’ on May 16, 2023 at 6.30 p.m. at AudiMax (HG F30) of ETH Zurich. In June 2022, our doctoral student Christophe Ogier along with two friends travelled to the remote Hispar glacier in Pakistan to attempt the first ascent of the Pumari Chhish East (6850m). The event will include talk by Christophe Ogier in English, as well as the original film.