Hydraulic Engineering

Enlarged view: Jet trajectory during operation of GERD bottom outlet
Jet trajectory during oparion of GERD bottom outlet

The mission of the Hydraulic Engineering division is to bridge the gap between research and the practical work of the designing civil engineer. Often the focus of basic research projects is motivated by hydraulic problems faced in our contract projects and applied research.

The Hydraulic model testing is an important tool and a core competence of our division. Supported by our own designers, workshops and by modern measurement technology, we are able to model and analyze even highly complex flow phenomena around hydraulic structures. These studies are purpose-oriented and intend to solve specific hydraulic problems with a practical background that cannot be handled by engineering firms, but require our specific laboratory facilities and our detailed knowledge of the latest scientific developments.

In collaboration with the Applied Numerics division, the computational integration of detailed physical models into large-scale numerical models is performed in the context of hybrid modelling.

Fundamental research

  • Multiphase flow in pipes and tunnels
  • Sedimentation basins, sediment bypass tunnels & abrasion
  • Fish guidance structures for fish downstream migration at run-of-river hydropower plants and water intakes
  • Mass movement-induced water waves
  • Large wood at hydraulic structures

Applied research

  • Optimization and verification of hydraulic structures and equipment through model test
  • Optimization of operation
  • Physical model investigations
  • Measuring campaigns
  • Expert reports & consulting

Detailed information on the current research project of the hydraulic engineering group can be found under Research projects.


Adriano Lais
  • +41 44 632 41 15
  • vCard Download

ETH Zurich
Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology VAW
HIA C 56.2
Hönggerbergring 26
8093 Zürich

links: VAW Inside, @VAW_hydraulics, @VAW_glaciology, YouTube VAW Inside@tVAW_hydraulics@VAW_glaciologyYouTube
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