Master's theses


Master's theses at VAW start on the 2nd Monday of the semester, which matches the regular time schedule for Civil Engineering students. Deviating dates have to be discussed with the professorship as early as possible and can be permitted only in individual cases and for significant reasons. Own topic suggestions do not necessarily justify a varying time schedule. Since the number of Master's theses is usually higher in spring than in autumn semester, we appreciate any interest for Master's thesis in autumn semester.

Further administrative information can be found on the websites of the corresponding study programmes:


Each semester, VAW offers topics in both flood protection/river engineering and hydropower planning. Partly, these topics can be assigned multiply. Additional topics (current research projects, experimental, numerical,...) are offered depending on internal capacities.

Own topic suggestions might also be possible, e.g. in cooperation with engineering companies or public authorities (Download notes for own suggestions [in German] (PDF, 101 KB)). For own suggestions, please contact the teaching coordination early to insure that the topic can be carried out in the given framework.

A list with available topics, as well as ongoing and completed Master's theses is managed on our homepage.

If you are interested in a Master's thesis at VAW and have further questions, please contact the teaching coordination.

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